2021 Late Winter Trip #3

White-tailed Eagle

The 2nd day of our trip was very sunny and although there were quite a few interesting birds I couldn’t get many good photos. We stayed around the coast between Yufutsu and Mukawa. Stuff around included White-tailed and Steller’s Sea Eagle, Japanese Crane, and various common winter ducks and gulls.

Unlike around Hakodate, there didn’t seem to be many winter passerines except for several flocks of Eurasian Siskin.

Eurasian Siskin

There were groups of Whooper Swan and a few geese flying around: both Taiga Bean and Greater White-fronted.

White-fronted Goose

Quiet end to autumn

Great Egret

A quiet start to November. I did see my first Steller’s and White-tailed Eagles of the winter last week but too far off for any photos.

A lot of seasonal stuff appearing locally: Hawfinch, Long-tailed Rosefinch, Varied Tit, Winter Wren, Brown Dipper, lots of common ducks, Great Egret……………..

This White-fronted Geese in Kamiiso had a dislocated or broken leg by the looks of it.

White-fronted Goose

East Hokkaido September Trip #16

White-fronted Goose

White-fronted Goose is the most likely to be seen goose species near Hakodate but they were probably the least numerous of the 3 (or 4?) species on show in Urahoro last week.

White-fronted Goose

They seemed to be well outnumbered by Cackling Geese at this particular spot.

Cackling Goose and White-fronted Goose