Short local May trip 2024 #1

We had a short 2 night/3 day camping trip and checked out the Oshamambe area…

The weather was awful on the way up; very dark and raining. There were a few common waders around…

Little Ringed Plover

Other stuff around included Common Greenshank, various duck species including a drake Garganey at Yakumo, Wryneck, Great Egret etc.

Still slow

Grey-tailed Tattler

Spring migration is still very slow. The calm sunny weather over the last couple of weeks might have meant most of the migrants have passed straight through. Today near my apartment there was a lone Asian Brown Flycatcher and yesterday in the west of town there were 2 Grey-tailed Tattler, 1 Brent Goose, I Goosander, 1 Wigeon and 1 Vega Gull.

I’ve also done something to my leg/back that is making walking difficult. It’s been present on and off for several weeks now. Probably sciatica and hopefully time will heal it…………..