Golden Week 2024 #10

Yakumo yesterday was a bit quiet. Here are a few random BIFs.

Lots of scoters offshore, lots of displaying Great Crested Grebes there too but not many waders; only a lone Wood Sandpiper, a lone Common Snipe and the 2 breeding small plovers including this one.

And a few migrating duck including Garganey and Shoveler…

Eastern Marsh Harrier

Eastern Marsh Harrier

There were Eastern Marsh Harriers at several sites today. This is a summer visitor to south Hokkaido and a species that defies all my attempts to get a decent shot of it.

Other summer stuff around included Siberian Stonechat, Chestnut-cheeked Starling, Common Reed and Black-faced Buntings, Japanese Thrush, Japanese Bush Warbler and Little-ringed Plover.