Still birdy

Varied Tit

In the tiny park near my place there were 4 species of tit, Great Spotted Woodpecker, a small flock of Brambling, 1 Hawfinch, a male Daurian Redstart, 1 Long-tailed Rosefinch, several Dusky Thrush, 2 Eurasian Nuthatch and 4 Crossbill. On the river were Great Egret, Grey Heron and above was a Eurasian Sparrowhawk. Not a bad haul…

Not great photos. Shoulder issues etc etc…

Eurasian Nuthatch
Common Crossbill

Not there

Varied Tit

There has been a family of Oriental Scops Owls showing well in one of the local parks and we went to look for them this morning……………….but couldn’t find them.

Quite a few birds around though: Coal and Varied Tit, Grey-headed Woodpecker, Common Crossbill, Narcissus Flycatcher and Kamchatka Leaf Warbler.