Golden Week 2024 #10

Yakumo yesterday was a bit quiet. Here are a few random BIFs.

Lots of scoters offshore, lots of displaying Great Crested Grebes there too but not many waders; only a lone Wood Sandpiper, a lone Common Snipe and the 2 breeding small plovers including this one.

And a few migrating duck including Garganey and Shoveler…

Another walk on the river…

Great Egret

Some more low-key birding around town…

There were 7 species of duck including a small flock of Pintail and a couple of Shoveler…and the long-staying Whooper Swan too.

Northern Shoveler

And 3 species of heron…

Black-crowned Night Heron
Great Egret

This Slaty-backed Gull had found a salmon-like fish to try and eat. I think its’ a salmon but not sure. I think there are 2 or 3 kinds in Hokkaido.

Slaty-backed Gull