Golden Week 2024 #10

Yakumo yesterday was a bit quiet. Here are a few random BIFs.

Lots of scoters offshore, lots of displaying Great Crested Grebes there too but not many waders; only a lone Wood Sandpiper, a lone Common Snipe and the 2 breeding small plovers including this one.

And a few migrating duck including Garganey and Shoveler…

Another dark windy Monday

Eurasian Kestrel

Hakodate had its hottest every day last week but amazingly we had another cool Monday (the high temps will return later this week…again).

The above Kestrel at Yakumo was a nice find; not a bird I often see in Hokkaido.

The storms were pushing the waves right up the beaches so it was tricky to find waders; only 3 species around today. And terrible conditions once again for photos.

Kentish Plover
Eastern Curlew

Kentish Plover

Kentish Plover

One of the few breeding wader species near Hakodate is Kentish Plover. They nest on some of the local beaches and around now the eggs are hatching.

Not much around last weekend: a couple of stray Goldeneye, Osprey, Goosander. Near my apartment the Gray’s Grasshopper Warbler has stopped singing (I guess a lone male that has given up and moved elsewhere) but a Black-browed Reed Warbler continues trilling away and the bushes are full of the sounds of Chestnut-cheeked Starlings feeding their fledglings.