Lots of geese around this weekend: several hundred at Onuma. Mainly White-fronted Geese on Sunday and mainly Bean Geese (above) on Monday. They were very wary and stayed out in the middle of a big ice-free part of the lake. Not many photo opps……..
One thing I’ve been doing religiously with geese flocks over the years is check for rarities. Snow Goose, Lesser White-fronted Goose and Cacckling Goose are the 3 possibilities. Until yesterday I’d always drawn blanks but look what I found…………..
3 Cackling Goose in among all the Pintails. A totally crappy record shot but my first lifer in over 18 months!
A White-tailed Eagle flushed the wildfowl and the 3 birds disappeared and I couldn’t relocate them. At least I got a record shot. Also in among the wildfowl were several Baikal Teal, also too far off for any pics sadly.
Congratulations! Guess no point to look out for them amongst our UK Canada geese! Like trying to spot a Med amongst Black-headed Gulls….Good to note birds on the move so always more exciting times.
Actually these are sometimes called ‘Lesser Canada Goose’. A fairly recent split. No feral Canada Geese here………….