Golden Week 2022 #5

Temminck’s Stint

A crappy record shot but only my 3rd ever sighting of Temminck’s Stint (and my first in breeding plumage). There were 2 of them at Yakumo. Other passage waders around the last couple of days included Wood Sandpiper, Red-necked Stint, Pacific Golden Plover and Whimbrel.

At the same place as the stints were a fishing osprey and a calling Wryneck…


Back home

Greater White-fronted Goose

I just can’t escape geese: this lone straggling White-front was in parkland atop a cape!

The Ospreys have returned…not great pics it has to be said.


And near my apartment all the snow has gone…

Great Egret

Other birds around on Monday in the Esan area were Glaucous-winged Gull, Harlequin Duck, lots of Brent Goose and a lone White-tailed Eagle.

A classic old lens


Someone has very kindly lent me his old 400 f5.6 lens and I tried it out at the weekend. I’d always wondered about this ‘classic’ old birding lens.

6 species of waders near Yakumo but the 400 wasn’t quite long enough for any decent shots.


But in this hot weather it was a relief not to be carrying one of the big whites.

And this Osprey was close enough at least……………


The quietest of quietest months


July is always a quiet month in south Hokkaido and for various reasons July 2021 has been even quieter than usual.

It’s been really really hot too. Last Sunday it was foggy in the morning which provided temporary relief. Not great for photos but juvenile Ospreys were practicing fishing and the first of the ‘autumn’ waders were passing through.

Sanderling, Red-necked Stint

Too late


As we pulled into a beachside car park there were 2 Ospreys fishing inshore very close. I grabbed my camera and didn’t really have time to adjust the settings.


Not too bad but the shutter speed was too slow and I was in crop mode. If I had been waiting for a while in this spot I may have been ready. Next time, next time.