First outing of 2023


Very heavy snow kept us indoors for the first 4 days of the year. It was snowing again this morning but we headed east where mysteriously everywhere was almost snowfree…

On this particular cape there were almost no birds except this Peregrine.


The local Steller’s flew by the port but I wasn’t really ready when it did.

Steller’s Sea Eagle


Steller’s Sea Eagle

The local Steller’s is back.

Steller’s Sea Eagle

You can’t see it from these pics but it’s right eye looked damaged (it wasn’t yellow). Its right eye was OK last year. I’m assuming it’s the same bird that winters in this place every year but who knows?

Steller’s Sea Eagle

Back home

Greater White-fronted Goose

I just can’t escape geese: this lone straggling White-front was in parkland atop a cape!

The Ospreys have returned…not great pics it has to be said.


And near my apartment all the snow has gone…

Great Egret

Other birds around on Monday in the Esan area were Glaucous-winged Gull, Harlequin Duck, lots of Brent Goose and a lone White-tailed Eagle.