East Hokkaido 2019 #10

White-tailed Eagle

We headed up to Shiretoko to try for Pine Grosbeaks at the top of the pass there. The weather was pretty nasty on the way…….here are 2 oft seen roadside birds on the way up there……….

Latham’s Snipe

And on the way north we came across some White-throated Needletails………..

White-throated Needletail

East Hokkaido 2019 #5

Spectacled Guillemot

I did the boat trip from Ochisihi last week. It was a grey cold windy day: not ideal for photographs. My target species was Tufted Puffin, a would-be lifer. One adult did fly over briefly but no photo alas………….

There were plenty of Spectacled Guillemots that did pose for the camera at least.

Spectacled Guillemot
Spectacled Guillemot

Other species seen included Rhinoceros Auket and White-tailed Eagle………….

East Hokkaido 2019 #3

Common Reed Bunting

Some other commn birds from Kiritappu. Common Reed Buntings were singing all over the place and up above Pacific Swifts were hawking……….

Pacific Swift

Offshore were Specatcled Guiilemot and Rhinoceros Auklet, several White-tailed Eagles were in the area and the usual common Hokkaido summer birds like Siberian Stonechat were present.

Siberian Stonechat

Latham’s Snipe were displaying above our campsite and at night you could hear the strange calls of Laech’s Petrels coming ashore……………

East Hokkaido 2019 #1

Siberian Rubythroat

Last week was spent in the east of Hokkaido. The first stop was at Cape Kiritappu. On cue when we arrived was the first of many Siberian Rubythroats……….

Siberian Rubythroat
Siberian Rubythroat

We don’t see this species much near Hakodate (a few pass through in spring/autumn) but once you head northeast they seem to be on every cape and headland.