Some more ducks on the way home.
Tag: Stejneger's Scoter
A quick stop on the way there #2
A heavily cropped record shot but a nice local rarity; only my 4th one (and my 3rd at this particular spot).
It wasn’t the only diver…
Another heavy crop of this fly-by; this is also a great spot for this species…
2 days away #12
Some final pics before they swam back to the open sea…
2 days away #8
Some scoter fine dining…
2 days away #4
By far the closest shots I’ve managed of this species…
2 days away #1
We stayed away (sleeping in the car!) for a night…
It was holiday time in Japan so everywhere was really quiet and nobody was working in the ports. I was delighted to find a couple of Stejneger’s Scoter in one of them. Usually this species stays on the sea…
The first 2 are an adult male, the bottom one must be a younger bird as its bill structure isn’t fully developed yet.
More of the Stej
I won’t get as close as this for a while…
A bit closer
This species is usually offshore just out of camera range but on Sunday there was a pair in the port.
Not so close it’s true but much closer than usual.
As you can see the Eye AF chose the male. Can’t think why…
A hot Sunday afternoon
A hot sunny afternoon: terrible light for photos. Quite a few nice birds around: the above scruffy Stejneger’s Scoter was a surprise. This Marsh Sandpiper was on one of the beaches with some stints…
Other stuff around included flocks of White-throated Needletail and Pacific Swift, Osprey, Peregrine, several Great Egret…
But as I said the light was not helpful.
Golden Week 2022 #7
Getting photos of this species has become a bit of an obsession of mine. And this weekend was probably my last chance before they head north for the summer…
Sunset Scoters
Some closer-than-usual Stejneger’s Scoters from a couple of days ago…
Still not that close though.
Still too far!
Why don’t they come close like their relatives?