About a dozen or so wader species yesterday…
And several of these around too…
About a dozen or so wader species yesterday…
And several of these around too…
Quite happy with some of these shots…
My first pics of this species with the f/11 lens…
A cloudy humid day…not as many birds around as last week. This Kingfisher was in a good spot but I was high on the bank so I waited for it to fly off. I went down to a much better spot waiting for it to come back but it never did…
I was waiting for a Water Rail to appear. It didn’t. But there were plenty of Kingfishers….
Not only waders on the beach this morning. Hundreds of hirundines of all 3 common species and some Kingfishers in a creek.
A quiet day at Yakumo with a few slightly interesting species: 6 species of gull including Black-legged Kittiwake and Glaucous-winged Gull, several skuas way offshore (Pomarine I think), Great Egret, lots of Pintail and Wigeon, Stejneger’s Scoter………….
Among the gulls were lots of Vega Gull: a common passage migrant in Hokkaido.
The Kingfishers posed for the camera………………
At Onuma there was a big flock of swans in one corner of the lake but I couldn’t get a clear view from the car: they were probably Bewick’s on their way south.
This Kingfisher at Yakumo caught an odd-looking fish.
It took it a couple of minutes to swallow it………….
It was a dark, wet humid day. The wader passage has started at least: 1 Mongolian Plover, 1 Kentish Plover, 6 Grey-tailed Tattler, 2 Terek Sandpiper and 2 Red-necked Stint. The first Black-headed Gulls are passing through too.
The last shots of Thursday’s Kingfisher………..
Some more shots of the tame Kingfisher from earlier in the week…………
The Kingfisher was catching a lot of very small fish…………
A few more shots of the Kingfisher from yesterday…………….